Remote desktop connection mac remove prefrences
Remote desktop connection mac remove prefrences

If this is true for you, then simply untick the box and be a little more careful about who has access to your computer. If it is ticked then either you or someone else you allowed to access your computer with or without your supervision, enabled it, probably by mistake without realising what it is or what it does. If you've not ticked the box by the side of its name then it's not enabled and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You should see it just below Remote Login.

remote desktop connection mac remove prefrences

One of the places where you can 'see' Remote Desktop Client is by accessing System Preferences from the Apple Menu and clicking on the Sharing Preference Pane. If this is your personal computer which you use at home then in all likelihood the Client part of Remote Desktop is not even enabled and therefore not be a worry to you. You don't have to update it if you don't want to, although it's a good idea if you do, as it means every part of your operating system will be fully up to date. You can't uninstall it as the Client version of Remote Desktop (the one you're referring to) is part of OS X.

Remote desktop connection mac remove prefrences